John 20:21 "Again Jesus said, 'Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.'" Our focus for 2021 should be for peace to be with us and to bring peace to others.
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True discipleship requires three things: Intentional Investment, Sacrificial Commitment, & Relational Authority.
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By inviting ordinary, uneducated, unqualified, young people to be His disciples, Jesus communicates that anyone has what it takes to be like Him when they trust in God.
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Hey friends! 2019 crushed my world. I don't want to elaborate because I do not want this post to be about me because I know I was not alone. I am not the only one who has experienced hardships and...
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"Christianity is not a religion, it's a relationship with God." Let me share with you why we need to stop saying this.
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